Flower of the Week: Easter Lily
In the spirit of the season, this week's featured flower is actually a flowering plant: the Easter Lily. The Easter Lily (or, lilium longiflorum) is one of our favorite plants -- and we're not alone! Despite the fact that they're only available for a few weeks out of the year, they're among the largest potted plant crops in the United States. Native to Japan, these bulb plants have been cultivated in the United States ever since they were brought to the west coast by a returning World War I soldier in 1919. The white lily has come to symbolize rebirth and a new beginning, which is why they're such a welcome sight this time of year as the last bits of snow continue to melt and the first signs of spring finally start to show.
Our Easter Lilies are blooming beautifully here at MFS! Pay a visit to our glass greenhouse to see them for yourself -- nothing says spring quite like rows upon rows of newly opened Easter Lilies. Pick one up for yourself or take one to someone as a gift. If you can't make it into the shop, you can call to place an order or purchase an Easter Lily on our website (click HERE for the link) and have it sent to someone locally!